Weinstein, Jared

Good reduction of affinoids on the Lubin-Tate tower

Doc. Math., J. DMV 15, 981-1007 (2010)


Summary: We analyze the geometry of the tower of Lubin-Tate deformation spaces, which parametrize deformations of a one-dimensional formal module of height $h$ together with level structure. According to the conjecture of Deligne-Carayol, these spaces realize the local Langlands correspondence in their $\ell$-adic cohomology. This conjecture is now a theorem, but currently there is no purely local proof. Working in the equal characteristic case, we find a family of affinoids in the Lubin-Tate tower with good reduction equal to a rather curious nonsingular hypersurface, whose equation we present explicitly. Granting a conjecture on the $L$-functions of this hypersurface, we find a link between the conjecture of Deligne-Carayol and the theory of Bushnell-Kutzko types, at least for certain class of wildly ramified supercuspidal representations of small conductor.

Mathematics Subject Classification

14G22, 22E50, 11F70


Lubin-Tate spaces, local Langlands correspondence, semistable model, rigid analysis
