Barry, Paul; Hennessy, Aoife

A note on Narayana triangles and related polynomials, Riordan arrays, and MIMO capacity calculations

J. Integer Seq. 14(3), Article 11.3.8, 26 p., electronic only (2011)


Summary: We study the Narayana triangles and related families of polynomials. We link this study to Riordan arrays and Hankel transforms arising from a special case of capacity calculation related to MIMO communication systems. A link is established between a channel capacity calculation and a series reversion.

Mathematics Subject Classification

11B83, 05A10, 05A19, 94A05, 94A11


integer sequence, narayana triangle, narayana polynomial, riordan array, Hankel transform, orthogonal polynomials, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, mar$\check $cenko-Pastur
