Culver, Dominic Leon; Kong, Hana Jia; Quigley, J. D.

Algebraic slice spectral sequences

Doc. Math. 26, 1085-1119 (2021)
DOI: 10.25537/dm.2021v26.1085-1119
Communicated by Mike Hill


For certain motivic spectra, we construct a square of spectral sequences relating the effective slice spectral sequence and the motivic Adams spectral sequence. We show the square can be constructed for connective algebraic K-theory, motivic Morava K-theory, and truncated motivic Brown-Peterson spectra. In these cases, we show that the \(\mathbb{R}\)-motivic effective slice spectral sequence is completely determined by the \(\rho\)-Bockstein spectral sequence. Using results of Heard, we also obtain applications to the Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel slice spectral sequences for connective Real K-theory, Real Morava K-theory, and truncated Real Brown-Peterson spectra.

Mathematics Subject Classification

14F42, 55P42, 55P91, 55T05, 55T15


motivic Adams spectral sequence, slice spectral sequence, algebraic slice spectral sequence


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Culver, Dominic Leon
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Vivatsgasse 7, 53111 Bonn, Germany
Kong, Hana Jia
Department of Mathematics, 5734 S University Ave, Chicago IL, 60637, USA
Quigley, J. D.
Department of Mathematics, Cornell University Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.
