Langer, Adrian

On boundedness of semistable sheaves

Doc. Math. 27, 1-16 (2022)
DOI: 10.25537/dm.2022v27.1-16
Communicated by Gavril Farkas


We give a new simple proof of boundedness of the family of semistable sheaves with fixed numerical invariants on a fixed smooth projective variety. In characteristic zero our method gives a quick proof of Bogomolov's inequality for semistable sheaves on a smooth projective variety of any dimension \(\ge 2\) without using any restriction theorems.

Mathematics Subject Classification

14F06, 14D20, 14J60


semistable sheaves, Bogomolov's inequality, bounded families


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Langer, Adrian
Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, ul. Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland
