Arithmetic characteristic classes of automorphic vector bundles prefix ID Burgos Gil, José I.; Kramer, Jürg; Kühn, Ulf Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 619-716 (2005)
A common recursion for Laplacians of matroids and shifted simplicial complexes prefix ID Duval, Art M. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 583-618 (2005)
Time-like isothermic surfaces associated to Grassmannian systems prefix ID Dussan, M.P.; Magid, M.A. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 527-549 (2005)
Localization of the essential spectrum for relativistic $N$-electron ions and atoms prefix ID Jakubassa-Amundsen, D.H. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 417-445 (2005)
Parametrized braid groups of Chevalley groups. prefix ID Loday, Jean-Louis; Stein, Michael R. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 391-416 (2005)
Moduli schemes of generically simple Azumaya modules prefix ID Hoffmann, Norbert; Stuhler, Ulrich Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 369-389 (2005)
Some remarks on morphisms between Fano threefolds: Erratum [cf. Doc. Math. J. DMV 9, 471--486 (2004; Zbl 1072.14048)] prefix ID Amerik, Ekaterina Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 367-368 (2005)
Algebraic $K$-theory and sums-of-squares formulas prefix ID Dugger, Daniel; Isaksen, Daniel C. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 357-366 (2005)
The projected single-particle Dirac operator for Coulombic potentials prefix ID Jakubassa-Amundsen, D.H. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 331-356 (2005)
Arakelov invariants of Riemann surfaces prefix ID de Jong, Robin Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 311-329 (2005)
CM points and quaternion algebras prefix ID Cornut, C.; Vatsal, V. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 263-309 (2005)
The microstates free entropy dimension of any DT--operator is 2 prefix ID Dykema, Ken; Jung, Kenley; Shlyakhtenko, Dimitri Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 247-261 (2005)
Vanishing geodesic distance on spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphisms prefix ID Michor, Peter W.; Mumford, David Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 217-245 (2005)
Cohomology of arithmetic groups with infinite dimensional coefficient spaces prefix ID Deitmar, Anton; Hilgert, Joachim Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 199-216 (2005)
On the torsion of the Mordell-Weil group of the Jacobian of Drinfeld modular curves prefix ID Pál, Ambrus Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 131-198 (2005)
On the Chow groups of quadratic Grassmannians prefix ID Vishik, A. Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 111-130 (2005)
Convexity, valuations and Prüfer extensions in real algebra prefix ID Knebusch, Manfred; Zhang, Digen Doc. Math., J. DMV 10, 1-109 (2005)