Visibility of the Shafarevich-Tate group at higher level prefix ID Jetchev, Dimitar P.; Stein, William A. Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 673-696 (2007)
Réalisation $\ell$-adique des motifs triangulés géométriques. I prefix ID Ivorra, Florian Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 607-671 (2007)
Eigenvalue clusters of the Landau Hamiltonian in the exterior of a compact domain prefix ID Pushnitski, Alexander; Rozenblum, Grigori Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 569-586 (2007)
Rational real algebraic models of topological surfaces prefix ID Biswas, Indranil; Huisman, Johannes Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 549-567 (2007)
Geometric methods for cohomological invariants prefix ID Guillot, Pierre Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 521-545 (2007)
Generic observability of dynamical systems prefix ID Yazdani, Esfandiar Nava Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 505-520 (2007)
Isotropy of quadratic spaces in finite and infinite dimension prefix ID Becher, Karim Johannes; Hoffmann, Detlev W. Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 473-504 (2007)
Rings of integers of type $K(\pi,1)$ prefix ID Schmidt, Alexander Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 441-471 (2007)
$G$-structures entières et modules de Wach prefix ID Dorat, Lionel Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 399-440 (2007)
Construction of eigenvarieties in small cohomological dimensions for semi-simple, simply connected groups prefix ID Hill, Richard Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 363-397 (2007)
Equivariant local cyclic homology and the equivariant Chern-Connes character prefix ID Voigt, Christian Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 313-359 (2007)
On the parity of ranks of Selmer groups. III. prefix ID Nekovář, Jan Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 243-274 (2007)
The Hirzebruch-Mumford volume for the orthogonal group and applications prefix ID Gritsenko, V.; Hulek, K.; Sankaran, G.K. Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 215-241 (2007)
On the structure of Calabi-Yau categories with a cluster tilting subcategory prefix ID Tabuada, Gonçalo Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 193-213 (2007)
De Rham-Witt cohomology and displays prefix ID Langer, Andreas; Zink, Thomas Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 147-191 (2007)
Second order freeness and fluctuations of random matrices. III: Higher order freeness and free cumulants prefix ID Collins, Benoît; Mingo, James A.; Śniady, Piotr; Speicher, Roland Doc. Math., J. DMV 12, 1-70 (2007)