Virtual equivariant Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula prefix ID Ravi, Charanya; Sreedhar, Bhamidi Doc. Math. 26, 2061-2094 (2021)
Intermediate extensions and crystalline distribution algebras prefix ID Huyghe, Christine; Schmidt, Tobias Doc. Math. 26, 2005-2059 (2021)
Supports for linear degenerations of flag varieties prefix ID Fang, Xin; Reineke, Markus Doc. Math. 26, 1981-2003 (2021)
On the reductions of certain two-dimensional crystalline representations prefix ID Arsovski, Bodan Doc. Math. 26, 1929-1979 (2021)
Positively curved Riemannian orbifolds and Alexandrov spaces with circle symmetry in dimension \(4\) prefix ID Harvey, John; Searle, Catherine Doc. Math. 26, 1889-1927 (2021)
The maximal discrete extension of the Hermitian modular group prefix ID Krieg, Aloys; Raum, Martin; Wernz, Annalena Doc. Math. 26, 1871-1888 (2021)
Universally defining finitely generated subrings of global fields prefix ID Daans, Nicolas Doc. Math. 26, 1851-1869 (2021)
\(k\)-differentials on curves and rigid cycles in moduli space prefix ID Mullane, Scott Doc. Math. 26, 1817-1850 (2021)
Groups of isometries of the Cuntz algebras prefix ID Conti, Roberto; Rossi, Stefano Doc. Math. 26, 1799-1815 (2021)
Galois representations, \((\varphi, \Gamma)\)-modules and prismatic F-crystals prefix ID Wu, Zhiyou Doc. Math. 26, 1771-1798 (2021)
On a torsion analogue of the weight-monodromy conjecture prefix ID Ito, Kazuhiro Doc. Math. 26, 1729-1770 (2021)
Matui's AH conjecture for graph groupoids prefix ID Nyland, Petter; Ortega, Eduard Doc. Math. 26, 1679-1727 (2021)
Compatibility of special value conjectures with the functional equation of zeta functions prefix ID Flach, Matthias; Morin, Baptiste Doc. Math. 26, 1633-1677 (2021)
Erratum to: ``The minimal exact crossed product'' prefix ID Buss, Alcides; Echterhoff, Siegfried; Willett, Rufus Doc. Math. 26, 1629-1632 (2021)
Bracket width of simple Lie algebras prefix ID Dubouloz, Adrien; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris; Regeta, Andriy Doc. Math. 26, 1601-1627 (2021)
The ``fundamental theorem'' for the higher algebraic \(K\)-theory of strongly \(\mathbb{Z}\)-graded rings prefix ID Hüttemann, Thomas Doc. Math. 26, 1557-1599 (2021)
Toeplitz quotient \(C^*\)-algebras and ratio limits for random walks prefix ID Dor-On, Adam Doc. Math. 26, 1529-1556 (2021)
Decompositions of derived categories of gerbes and of families of Brauer-Severi varieties prefix ID Bergh, Daniel; Schnürer, Olaf M. Doc. Math. 26, 1465-1500 (2021)
On the James and Hilton-Milnor splittings, and the metastable EHP sequence prefix ID Devalapurkar, Sanath; Haine, Peter Doc. Math. 26, 1423-1464 (2021)
The pro-étale cohomology of Drinfeld's upper half space prefix ID Orlik, Sascha Doc. Math. 26, 1395-1421 (2021)
Drinfeld's lemma for perfectoid spaces and overconvergence of multivariate \((\varphi, \Gamma)\)-modules prefix ID Carter, Annie; Kedlaya, Kiran S.; Zábrádi, Gergely Doc. Math. 26, 1329-1393 (2021)
Cdh descent for homotopy Hermitian \(K\)-theory of rings with involution prefix ID Carmody, Daniel Doc. Math. 26, 1275-1327 (2021)
Erratum to: ``Stability of equivariant vector bundles over toric varieties'' prefix ID Dasgupta, Jyoti; Dey, Arijit; Khan, Bivas Doc. Math. 26, 1271-1274 (2021)
Some homological properties of category \(\mathcal{O}\). VI prefix ID Ko, Hankyung; Mazorchuk, Volodymyr; Mrden, Rafael Doc. Math. 26, 1237-1269 (2021)
On the relationship between logarithmic TAQ and logarithmic THH prefix ID Lundemo, Tommy Doc. Math. 26, 1187-1236 (2021)
Relations between infinitesimal non-commutative cumulants prefix ID Celestino, Adrián; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Perales, Daniel Doc. Math. 26, 1145-1185 (2021)
Cancellation theorem for motivic spaces with finite flat transfers prefix ID Bachmann, Tom Doc. Math. 26, 1121-1144 (2021)
Algebraic slice spectral sequences prefix ID Culver, Dominic Leon; Kong, Hana Jia; Quigley, J. D. Doc. Math. 26, 1085-1119 (2021)
Projective bundle theorem in MW-motivic cohomology prefix ID Yang, Nanjun Doc. Math. 26, 1045-1083 (2021)
Local acyclicity in \(p\)-adic cohomology prefix ID Lazda, Christopher Doc. Math. 26, 981-1044 (2021)
Transfer maps in generalized group homology via submanifolds prefix ID Nitsche, Martin; Schick, Thomas; Zeidler, Rudolf Doc. Math. 26, 947-979 (2021)
Hearts for commutative Noetherian rings: torsion pairs and derived equivalences prefix ID Pavon, Sergio; Vitória, Jorge Doc. Math. 26, 829-871 (2021)
Potentially diagonalisable lifts with controlled Hodge-Tate weights prefix ID Bartlett, Robin Doc. Math. 26, 795-827 (2021)
Solving the selection-recombination equation: ancestral lines and dual processes prefix ID Alberti, Frederic; Baake, Ellen Doc. Math. 26, 743-793 (2021)
Non-commensurable hyperbolic manifolds with the same trace ring prefix ID Mila, Olivier Doc. Math. 26, 733-742 (2021)
Recovering a variable exponent prefix ID Brander, Tommi; Siltakoski, Jarkko Doc. Math. 26, 713-731 (2021)
A pairing on the cuspidal eigenvariety for \(\text{GSp}_{2g}\) and the ramification locus prefix ID Wu, Ju-Feng Doc. Math. 26, 675-711 (2021)
Torsors of isotropic reductive groups over Laurent polynomials prefix ID Stavrova, Anastasia Doc. Math. 26, 661-673 (2021)
Morel homotopy modules and Milnor-Witt cycle modules prefix ID Feld, Niels Doc. Math. 26, 617-659 (2021)
On the class of canonical systems corresponding to matrix string equations: general-type and explicit fundamental solutions and Weyl-Titchmarsh theory prefix ID Sakhnovich, Alexander Doc. Math. 26, 583-615 (2021)
Motivic Mahowald invariants over general base fields prefix ID Quigley, J. D. Doc. Math. 26, 561-582 (2021)
On lower bounds of the dimensions of multizeta values in positive characteristic prefix ID Chen, Yen-Tsung; Harada, Ryotaro Doc. Math. 26, 537-559 (2021)
Algebraic connective \(K\)-theory of a Severi-Brauer variety with prescribed reduced behavior prefix ID Mackall, Eoin Doc. Math. 26, 523-536 (2021)
Hecke \(L\)-functions and Fourier coefficients of covering Eisenstein series prefix ID Gao, Fan Doc. Math. 26, 465-522 (2021)
Complete intersections of quadrics and complete intersections on Segre varieties with common specializations prefix ID Peters, Chris; Sterk, Hans Doc. Math. 26, 439-464 (2021)
The unirational components of the strata of genus \(11\) curves with several pencils of degree \(6\) in \(\mathcal{M}_{11}\) prefix ID Keneshlou, Hanieh; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf Doc. Math. 26, 415-438 (2021)
Reduced Whitehead groups of prime exponent algebras over \(p\)-adic curves prefix ID Bhaskhar, Nivedita Doc. Math. 26, 337-413 (2021)
Essential crossed products for inverse semigroup actions: simplicity and pure infiniteness prefix ID Kwaśniewski, Bartosz Kosma; Meyer, Ralf Doc. Math. 26, 271-335 (2021)
Semistable reduction of modular curves associated with maximal subgroups in prime level prefix ID Edixhoven, Bas; Parent, Pierre Doc. Math. 26, 231-269 (2021)
A complete description of the cohomological invariants of even genus hyperelliptic curves prefix ID Di Lorenzo, Andrea; Pirisi, Roberto Doc. Math. 26, 199-230 (2021)
\(n\)-quasi-abelian categories vs \(n\)-tilting torsion pairs prefix ID Fiorot, Luisa Doc. Math. 26, 149-197 (2021)
On the local regularity theory for the magnetohydrodynamic equations prefix ID Chamorro, Diego; Cortez, Fernando; He, Jiao; Jarrín, Oscar Doc. Math. 26, 125-148 (2021)
Cores of Ariki-Koike algebras prefix ID Jacon, Nicolas; Lecouvey, Cédric Doc. Math. 26, 103-124 (2021)
Frobenius gauges and a new theory of \(p\)-torsion sheaves in characteristic \(p\) prefix ID Fontaine, Jean-Marc; Jannsen, Uwe Doc. Math. 26, 65-101 (2021)
Iwasawa theory for symmetric squares of non-\(p\)-ordinary eigenforms prefix ID Büyükboduk, Kazim; Lei, Antonio; Venkat, Guhan Doc. Math. 26, 1-63 (2021)