Birational geometry of the Mukai system of rank two and genus two prefix ID Hellmann, Isabell Doc. Math. 27, 2691-2720 (2022)
\(\mathbb{A}^1\)-connected components of classifying spaces and purity for torsors prefix ID Elmanto, Elden; Kulkarni, Girish; Wendt, Matthias Doc. Math. 27, 2657-2689 (2022)
The closure of double ramification loci via strata of exact differentials prefix ID Benirschke, Frederik Doc. Math. 27, 2625-2656 (2022)
Chern-Weil and Hilbert-Samuel formulae for singular Hermitian line bundles prefix ID Botero, Ana María; Burgos Gil, José Ignacio; Holmes, David; de Jong, Robin Doc. Math. 27, 2563-2623 (2022)
Singularities in the weak turbulence regime for the quintic Schrödinger equation prefix ID de Suzzoni, Anne-Sophie Doc. Math. 27, 2491-2561 (2022)
Algebraic intermediate hyperbolicities prefix ID Etesse, Antoine; Javanpeykar, Ariyan; Rousseau, Erwan Doc. Math. 27, 2469-2490 (2022)
Crystalline lifts and a variant of the Steinberg-Winter theorem prefix ID Lin, Zhongyipan Doc. Math. 27, 2441-2468 (2022)
Cusps and \(q\)-expansion principles for modular curves at infinite level prefix ID Heuer, Ben Doc. Math. 27, 2385-2439 (2022)
On Lorentzian connections with parallel skew torsion prefix ID Ernst, Igor; Galaev, Anton Doc. Math. 27, 2333-2383 (2022)
Special triple covers of algebraic surfaces prefix ID Istrati, Nicolina; Pokora, Piotr; Rollenske, Sönke Doc. Math. 27, 2301-2332 (2022)
The vanishing of Iwasawa's \(\mu\)-invariant implies the weak Leopoldt conjecture prefix ID Kleine, Sören Doc. Math. 27, 2275-2299 (2022)
Second class particles and limit shapes of evacuation and sliding paths for random tableaux. prefix ID Maślanka, Łukasz; Śniady, Piotr Doc. Math. 27, 2183-2273 (2022)
The homotopy type of the topological cobordism category prefix ID Gomez Lopez, Mauricio; Kupers, Alexander Doc. Math. 27, 2107-2182 (2022)
The pro-étale topos as a category of pyknotic presheaves prefix ID Wolf, Sebastian Doc. Math. 27, 2067-2106 (2022)
Integrality of twisted \(L\)-values of elliptic curves prefix ID Wiersema, Hanneke; Wuthrich, Christian Doc. Math. 27, 2041-2066 (2022)
Free noncommutative hereditary kernels: Jordan decomposition, Arveson extension, kernel domination prefix ID Ball, Joseph A.; Marx, Gregory; Vinnikov, Victor Doc. Math. 27, 1985-2040 (2022)
The \(\text{K}\)-theory of perfectoid rings prefix ID Antieau, Ben; Mathew, Akhil; Morrow, Matthew Doc. Math. 27, 1923-1951 (2022)
The integral trace form as a complete invariant for real \(S_n\) number fields prefix ID Mantilla-Soler, Guillermo; Rivera, Carlos Doc. Math. 27, 1865-1889 (2022)
Hodge-Newton filtration for \(p\)-divisible groups with ramified endomorphism structure prefix ID Marrama, Andrea Doc. Math. 27, 1805-1863 (2022)
Gerstenhaber structure on Hochschild cohomology of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra on 3 generators prefix ID Herscovich, Estanislao; Li, Ziling Doc. Math. 27, 1773-1804 (2022)
Møller operators and Hadamard states for Dirac fields with MIT boundary conditions prefix ID Drago, Nicoló; Ginoux, Nicolas; Murro, Simone Doc. Math. 27, 1693-1737 (2022)
A generalization of Beilinson's geometric height pairing prefix ID Rössler, Damian; Szamuely, Tamás Doc. Math. 27, 1671-1692 (2022)
Topological Iwasawa invariants and arithmetic statistics prefix ID Dion, Cedric; Ray, Anwesh Doc. Math. 27, 1643-1669 (2022)
Kawaguchi-Silverman conjecture for certain surjective endomorphisms prefix ID Meng, Sheng; Zhang, De-Qi Doc. Math. 27, 1605-1642 (2022)
Rational curves and strictly nef divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds prefix ID Liu, Haidong; Svaldi, Roberto Doc. Math. 27, 1581-1604 (2022)
The \(p\)-adic monodromy group of abelian varieties over global function fields of characteristic \(p\) prefix ID Pál, Ambrus Doc. Math. 27, 1509-1579 (2022)
Itô's formula for noncommutative \(C^2\) functions of free Itô processes prefix ID Nikitopoulos, Evangelos Alexander Doc. Math. 27, 1447-1507 (2022)
Higher weak (co)limits, adjoint functor theorems, and higher Brown representability prefix ID Nguyen, Hoang Kim; Raptis, George; Schrade, Christoph Doc. Math. 27, 1369-1420 (2022)
On class number relations and intersections over function fields prefix ID Guo, Jia-Wei; Wei, Fu-Tsun Doc. Math. 27, 1321-1368 (2022)
Additivity violation of the regularized minimum output entropy prefix ID Collins, Benoît; Youn, Sang-Gyun Doc. Math. 27, 1299-1320 (2022)
Complex free spectrahedra, absolute extreme points, and dilations prefix ID Passer, Benjamin Doc. Math. 27, 1275-1297 (2022)
Categorification of the elliptic Hall algebra prefix ID Mousaaid, Youssef; Savage, Alistair Doc. Math. 27, 1225-1273 (2022)
Ricci DeTurck flow on incomplete manifolds prefix ID Marxen, Tobias; Vertman, Boris Doc. Math. 27, 1169-1212 (2022)
Flat cotorsion modules over Noether algebras prefix ID Kanda, Ryo; Nakamura, Tsutomu Doc. Math. 27, 1101-1167 (2022)
Towards a classification of connected components of the strata of \(k\)-differentials prefix ID Chen, Dawei; Gendron, Quentin Doc. Math. 27, 1031-1100 (2022)
Variance bounds for disc-polygons prefix ID Fodor, Ferenc; Grünfelder, Balázs; Vígh, Viktor Doc. Math. 27, 1015-1029 (2022)
An index formula for groups of isometric linear canonical transformations prefix ID Savin, Anton; Schrohe, Elmar Doc. Math. 27, 983-1013 (2022)
Derived equivalences between skew-gentle algebras using orbifolds prefix ID Amiot, Claire; Brüstle, Thomas Doc. Math. 27, 933-982 (2022)
On the Chow ring of the classifying stack of algebraic tori prefix ID Sala, Francesco Doc. Math. 27, 917-932 (2022)
The Hochschild cohomology of the algebra of differential operators tangent to a central arrangement of lines prefix ID Kordon, Francisco; Suárez-Álvarez, Mariano Doc. Math. 27, 869-916 (2022)
Fiberwise Kähler-Ricci flows on families of bounded strongly pseudoconvex domains prefix ID Choi, Young-Jun; Yoo, Sungmin Doc. Math. 27, 847-868 (2022)
Global stable splittings of Stiefel manifolds prefix ID Schwede, Stefan Doc. Math. 27, 789-845 (2022)
Polynomial approximation of quantum Lipschitz functions prefix ID Aguilar, Konrad; Kaad, Jens; Kyed, David Doc. Math. 27, 765-787 (2022)
Multiplier tests and subhomogeneity of multiplier algebras prefix ID Aleman, Alexandru; Hartz, Michael; McCarthy, John E.; Richter, Stefan Doc. Math. 27, 719-764 (2022)
A universal rigid abelian tensor category prefix ID Barbieri-Viale, Luca; Kahn, Bruno Doc. Math. 27, 699-717 (2022)
Spectral theory of regular sequences prefix ID Coons, Michael; Evans, James; Mañibo, Neil Doc. Math. 27, 629-653 (2022)
Rank inequalities for the Heegaard Floer homology of branched covers prefix ID Hendricks, Kristen; Lidman, Tye; Lipshitz, Robert Doc. Math. 27, 581-612 (2022)
The universal de Rham / Spencer double complex on a supermanifold prefix ID Cacciatori, Sergio Luigi; Noja, Simone; Re, Riccardo Doc. Math. 27, 489-518 (2022)
Additive decompositions for rings of modular forms prefix ID Meier, Lennart Doc. Math. 27, 427-488 (2022)
On the Brauer group of bielliptic surfaces (with an appendix by Jonas Bergström and Sofia Tirabassi) prefix ID Ferrari, Eugenia; Tirabassi, Sofia; Vodrup, Magnus; Bergström, Jonas Doc. Math. 27, 383-425 (2022)
An infinitesimal variant of the Guo-Jacquet trace formula. I: The case of \((\mathrm{GL}_{2n, D}, \mathrm{GL}_{n, D}\times \mathrm{GL}_{n, D})\) prefix ID Li, Huajie Doc. Math. 27, 315-381 (2022)
Families of coherent PEL automorphic forms prefix ID Hernandez, Valentin Doc. Math. 27, 213-294 (2022)
Homotopy groups of highly connected Poincaré duality complexes prefix ID Beben, Piotr; Theriault, Stephen Doc. Math. 27, 183-211 (2022)
Finite groups scheme actions and incompressibility of Galois covers: beyond the ordinary case prefix ID Fakhruddin, Najmuddin; Saini, Rijul Doc. Math. 27, 151-182 (2022)
Arithmetic statistics and noncommutative Iwasawa theory prefix ID Kundu, Debanjana; Lei, Antonio; Ray, Anwesh Doc. Math. 27, 89-149 (2022)
Representation stability and outer automorphism groups prefix ID Pol, Luca; Strickland, Neil Patrick Doc. Math. 27, 17-87 (2022)