Stability of matter for the Hartree-Fock functional of the relativistic electron-positron field prefix ID Bach, Volker; Barbaroux, Jean-Marie; Helffer, Bernard; Siedentop, Heinz Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 353-364 (1998)
Motivic equivalence of quadratic forms prefix ID Izhboldin, Oleg T. Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 341-351 (1998)
Long range diffusion reaction model on population dynamics prefix ID Abual-Rub, M.S. Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 333-340 (1998)
Chern classes of fibered products of surfaces prefix ID Teicher, Mina Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 321-332 (1998)
Local heights on Abelian varieties and rigid analytic uniformization prefix ID Werner, Annette Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 301-319 (1998)
Correction to the paper "Classical motivic polylogarithm according to Beilinson and Deligne" prefix ID Huber, Annette; Wildeshaus, Jörg Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 297-299 (1998)
A note on the global Langlands conjecture. prefix ID Lapid, Erez M. Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 285-296 (1998)
Global quadratic units and Hecke algebras prefix ID Hida, Haruzo Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 273-284 (1998)
Which moments of a logarithmic derivative imply quasiinvariance prefix ID Scheutzow, Michael; von Weizsäcker, Heinrich Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 261-272 (1998)
On the cyclic homology of ringed spaces and schemes prefix ID Keller, Bernhard Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 231-259 (1998)
Metrics on states from actions of compact groups prefix ID Rieffel, Marc A. Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 215-230 (1998)
On 14-dimensional quadratic forms in $I^3$, 8-dimensional forms in $I^2$, and the common value property prefix ID Hoffmann, Detlef W.; Tignol, Jean-Pierre Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 189-214 (1998)
Partition regular systems of linear inequalities prefix ID Schäffler, Meike Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 149-187 (1998)
An alternative proof of Scheiderer's theorem on the Hasse principle for principal homogeneous spaces prefix ID Chernousov, Vladimir Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 135-148 (1998)
Simple models of quasihomogeneous projective 3-folds prefix ID Kebekus, Stefan Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 15-26 (1998)
The minimum principle from a Hamiltonian point of view prefix ID Heinzner, Peter Doc. Math., J. DMV 3, 1-14 (1998)