The Riemann-Roch theorem and geometry, 1854-1914 prefix ID Gray, Jeremy J. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 811-822 (1998)
Marx, Mao and mathematics: The politics of infinitesimals prefix ID Dauben, Joseph W. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 799-809 (1998)
History of mathematics in China: A factor in world history and a source for new questions prefix ID Chemla, Karine Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 789-798 (1998)
Renewal in collegiate mathematics education prefix ID Smith, David A. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 777-786 (1998)
Aspects of the nature and state of research in mathematics education prefix ID Niss, Mogens Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 767-776 (1998)
Mathematics instruction in the twenty-first century prefix ID Lewis, D.J. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 763-766 (1998)
Difficulties in the passage from secondary to tertiary education prefix ID de Guzmán, Miguel; Hodgson, Bernard R.; Robert, Aline; Villani, Vinicio Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 747-762 (1998)
Drawing instruments: Theories and practices from history to didactics prefix ID Bartolini Bussi, M.G. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 735-746 (1998)
De la compréhension des processus d'apprentissage à la conception de processus d'enseignement. prefix ID Artigue, Michèle Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 723-733 (1998)
Mathematics education: Reform or renewal? prefix ID Andrews, George E. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 719-721 (1998)
Free material optimization prefix ID Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 707-716 (1998)
Open dynamical systems and their control prefix ID Willems, Jan C. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 697-706 (1998)
Routing and timetabling by topological search prefix ID Schrijver, Alexander Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 687-695 (1998)
Column generation and the airline crew pairing problem prefix ID Anbil, Ranga; Forrest, John J.; Pulleyblank, William R. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 677-686 (1998)
Active set and interior methods for nonlinear optimization prefix ID Byrd, Richard H.; Nocedal, Jorge Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 667-676 (1998)
Semidefinite programming and combinatorial optimization prefix ID Goemans, Michel X. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 657-666 (1998)
On the solution of traveling salesman problems prefix ID Applegate, David; Bixby, Robert; Chvátal, Vašek; Cook, William Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 645-656 (1998)
Optimal dynamic instability of microtubules prefix ID Peskin, Charles S. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 633-642 (1998)
Exact relations for composites: Towards a complete solution prefix ID Grabovsky, Yury; Milton, Graeme W. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 623-632 (1998)
Travelling water-waves, as a paradigm for bifurcations in reversible infinite dimensional "dynamical" systems prefix ID Iooss, Gérard Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 611-622 (1998)
Numerical study of free interface problems using boundary integral methods prefix ID Hou, Thomas Yizhao Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 601-610 (1998)
Canonical models in mathematical neuroscience prefix ID Hoppensteadt, Frank; Izhikevich, Eugene Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 593-599 (1998)
Strategies for seeing prefix ID Grenander, Ulf Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 585-592 (1998)
A new version of the fast Gauss transform prefix ID Greengard, Leslie; Sun, Xiaobai Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 575-584 (1998)
The tree of life and other affine buildings prefix ID Dress, Andreas; Terhalle, Werner Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 565-574 (1998)
The minimum-entropy algorithm and related methods for calibrating asset-pricing models prefix ID Avellaneda, Marco Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 545-563 (1998)
Schwarz-Christoffel mapping in the computer era prefix ID Trefethen, Lloyd N.; Driscoll, Tobin A. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 533-542 (1998)
Computation with wavelets in higher dimensions prefix ID Strömberg, Jan-Olov Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 523-532 (1998)
A study of bifurcation of Kolmogorov flows with an emphasis on the singular limit prefix ID Okamoto, Hisashi Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 513-522 (1998)
Wavelet based numerical homogenization prefix ID Engquist, Bjorn Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 503-512 (1998)
Uniform asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials prefix ID Deift, P.; Kriecherbauer, T.; McLaughlin, K.T.-R.; Venakides, S.; Zhou, X. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 491-501 (1998)
On multiresolution methods in numerical analysis prefix ID Beylkin, Gregory Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 481-490 (1998)
Halving point sets prefix ID Andrzejak, Artur; Welzl, Emo Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 471-478 (1998)
Probabilistic verification of proofs prefix ID Sudan, Madhu Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 461-470 (1998)
Unsolvable systems of equations and proof complexity prefix ID Pitassi, Toniann Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 451-460 (1998)
On approximating NP-hard optimization problems prefix ID Håstad, Johan Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 441-450 (1998)
Games, complexity classes, and approximation algorithms. prefix ID Feigenbaum, Joan Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 429-439 (1998)
Worst-case complexity, average-case complexity and lattice problems prefix ID Ajtai, Miklós Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 421-428 (1998)
Multisegment duality, canonical bases and total positivity prefix ID Zelevinsky, Andrei Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 409-417 (1998)
Finite geometries, varieties and codes prefix ID Thas, Joseph A. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 397-408 (1998)
The sphere packing problem prefix ID Sloane, N.J.A. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 387-396 (1998)
Nets, $(t,s)$-sequences, and algebraic curves over finite fields with many rational points prefix ID Niederreiter, Harald Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 377-386 (1998)
Mathematical snapshots from the computational geometry landscape prefix ID Matoušek, Jiří Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 365-375 (1998)
Ordonner le groupe symétrique: Pourquoi utiliser l'algèbre de Iwahori-Hecke? prefix ID Lascoux, Alain Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 355-364 (1998)
Applications of relaxed submodularity prefix ID Frank, András Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 343-354 (1998)
Hereditary properties of graphs: Asymptotic enumeration, global structure, and colouring prefix ID Bollobás, Béla Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 333-342 (1998)
Reflecting diffusions and queueing networks prefix ID Williams, R.J. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 321-330 (1998)
Within and beyond the reach of Brownian innovation prefix ID Tsirelson, Boris Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 311-320 (1998)
Brownian motion and random obstacles prefix ID Sznitman, Alain-Sol Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 301-310 (1998)
Genetic linkage analysis: An irregular statistical problem prefix ID Siegmund, David Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 291-300 (1998)
Branching processes, random trees and superprocesses prefix ID Le Gall, Jean-François Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 279-289 (1998)
Oracle inequalities and nonparametric function estimation prefix ID Johnstone, Iain M. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 267-278 (1998)
Applications of intentionally biased bootstrap methods prefix ID Hall, Peter; Presnell, Brett Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 257-266 (1998)
Lattice point problems and the central limit theorem in Euclidean spaces prefix ID Götze, F. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 245-255 (1998)
Bayesian density estimation prefix ID Ghosh, Jayanta K. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 237-243 (1998)
Random and deterministic perturbations of nonlinear oscillators prefix ID Freidlin, Mark I. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 223-235 (1998)
State space collapse for queueing networks prefix ID Bramson, Maury Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 213-222 (1998)
Stochastic coalescence prefix ID Aldous, David J. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 205-211 (1998)
Scaling limit of particle systems, incompressible Navier-Stokes equation and Boltzmann equation prefix ID Yau, Horng-Tzer Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 193-202 (1998)
Space of local fields in integrable field theory and deformed abelian differentials prefix ID Smirnov, Feodor A. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 183-192 (1998)
Metastability and the Ising model prefix ID Schonmann, Roberto H. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 173-181 (1998)
Rogers-Ramanujan identities: A century of progress from mathematics to physics prefix ID Berkovich, Alexander; McCoy, Barry M. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 163-172 (1998)
Stability of matter in classical and quantized fields prefix ID Graf, Gian Michele Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 153-162 (1998)
On the problem of stability for near to integrable Hamiltonian systems prefix ID Giorgilli, Antonio Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 143-152 (1998)
The mathematics of fivebranes prefix ID Dijkgraaf, Robbert Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 133-142 (1998)
Extended dynamical systems prefix ID Collet, P. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 123-132 (1998)
Finite-size scaling in percolation prefix ID Chayes, J.T. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 113-122 (1998)
Scaling algebras in local relativistic quantum physics prefix ID Buchholz, Detlev Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 109-112 (1998)
Spectral statistics prefix ID Bogomolny, Eugène Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 99-108 (1998)
Scattering theory: Some old and new problems prefix ID Yafaev, D. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 87-96 (1998)
Inverse boundary value problems for partial differential equations prefix ID Uhlmann, Gunther Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 77-86 (1998)
On nonlinear dispersive equations prefix ID Ponce, Gustavo Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 67-76 (1998)
Blow-up phenomena for critical nonlinear Schrödinger and Zakharov equations prefix ID Merle, Frank Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 57-66 (1998)
Fourier analysis of null forms and nonlinear wave equations prefix ID Machedon, M. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 49-55 (1998)
Minimal regularity solutions of nonlinear wave equations prefix ID Lindblad, Hans Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 39-48 (1998)
Viscosity solutions of elliptic partial differential equations prefix ID Jensen, Robert R. Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 31-38 (1998)
Phenomena of compensation and estimates for partial differential equations prefix ID Hélein, Frédéric Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 21-30 (1998)
Vortices in Ginzburg-Landau equations prefix ID Bethuel, Fabrice Doc. Math. (Bielefeld) Extra Vol. ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III, 11-19 (1998)