There are more than $2^{n/17}$ $n$-letter ternary square-free words prefix ID Ekhad, Shalosh B.; Zeilberger, Doron J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.9, electronic only (1998)
The computation of certain numbers using a ruler and compass prefix ID Plouffe, Simon J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.3., electronic only (1998)
On repdigit polygonal numbers prefix ID Keith, Mike J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.6, electronic only (1998)
Properties of a quadratic Fibonacci recurrence. prefix ID Duke, W.; Greenfield, Stephen J.; Speer, Eugene R. J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.8, electronic only (1998)
A Connell-like sequence prefix ID Stevens, Gary E. J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.4, electronic only (1998)
Some problems of combinatorial number theory related to Bertrand's postulate prefix ID Greenfield, Lawrence E.; Greenfield, Stephen J. J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.2, electronic only (1998)
The number of triangles formed by intersecting diagonals of a regular polygon prefix ID Sommars, Steven E.; Sommars, Tim J. Integer Seq. 1, Art. 98.1.5, electronic only (1998)